Saturday, January 31, 2015

IL Music Education Conference Day 4 Notes

Managing Extreme Behaviors in Elementary Music Classrooms-Christine Lapke
Base things on a PBIS model.
Just because you teach something doesn't mean learning is taking place.
Conditions provided by teachers and subsequent student actions:
1. Expectations and Procedures: 
Get real: Follow directions first time given-sets students with ADHD up for failure
Calming or finding our focus:
Beyond transitions, might need a quiet place, a place to walk, something to squeeze
Motion Breaks
Teach them how to cope: wheel of choices, coping wheel, darn-it doll
Procedures-to set them up for success!
How to enter and leave the room:
How to move to instruments:
When to move to instruments: Only when they're going to play
What to do with mallets? Ready position 1, ready position 2
Sing while distributing papers.
Moving to music in our Safe Place.
Keep them busy or they will keep themselves busy.
Staying on the correct page in the book: Project the book, Smart book, Big books
Seating charts
Seating comfort (Maslow): Sometimes the floor is not comfortable for all children
Opening and closing songs: "Jambo"-hello in many languages, these songs are like giving a hug when they walk in the room.
How do we teach expectations?
Have them practice the expectations in isolation.
Ask students why the expectation is important.
Ask  students to develop expectations/procedures.
2. How to Establish these Expectations
Teacher Reaction: Make eye contact, use physical signal, state the expected behavior, tell the student to stop, cue with marking a notecard that they are holding
Tangible Recognition: For the desired behavior or cessation of inappropriate, Often a behavior chart for Tier 2 or 3 (specific for that student, goals), Eat lunch with them, Spend time with them at recess, Personal care items, Remembe the causes of EDB
Direct Cost: Time alone, Draw or write about a better choice, Lose a turn, "I will hold your mallets", Group Contingency (Positive peer pressure, Natural supports), Home contingency (iTunes card, parents buy apps), 
Easy behavior tracker app, Social story
Maslow-When you follow these expectations....Focus on the reward of music!
Do not follow the expectations....Focus on the loss of music!
3. Teacher-Student Relationships
Making eye contact
Establish clear learning goals
App: Silent Light-Classroom Timer and Decibel Meter by Glen Storey
Provide flexible learning goals
Taking a personal interest in students:
Before and after class/school
Music journal or note card-what do they like
Say hello to each student
Greet them at the door
Feedback is better than Praise: Instead of "You're such a good musician" say "You sound great because...."
4. Mental Set
Stay Calm and Rationally Objective
Keep your sense of humor
Reward yourself
Sometimes you need help, and sometimes the non-disruptive students need help coping with a classmate.
App: You Can Handle Them All

Intentional Movement in the Movement Classroom-Lillie Feierabend
Discussion of neuronal fiber growth from birth through early childhood
Fingerplay: One on one, then small group, then large group
Gross Motor: Do the same thing
Three Little Words: 

The Road to Improvisation-Brian Burnett
All interactive-handout given

Props, Toys, Games & Strategies for Developing Confident Elementary Age Singers
Vocal Exploration: Beach ball, Tennis ball (cut hole and draw face), rubberband (to show embouchure), mirror (to look at self), Sing-a-ma-jig (toy's mouth shows embouchure), Hoberman Sphere
WarmUps learned
Assessments ideas discussed
Research about the childs' developing voice discussed
Student self-singing evaluation and Post-concert evaluation
Tricck-performing frog (only responds when you ask in a singing voice), Sirens, Stories with repeated vocal sounds, slide whistle (imitate with voice), Flying Pig (vocal explorations), whistling tubes

Authentic Assessment-Brian Burnett
Handout on Orff website
Five Reasons to Assess: Report progress to others, Feedback to the students, Homogeneous grouping, Evaluate instructional program, Extinguish unwanted behaviors
Assessment, not Measurement
Rubric Structure: List the criteria for a piece of work, or "what counts." Establish the graduations from "Excellent" to "Poor" with between 4-6 items of quality.
3-Yes, but...
2-No, but...
Music Skill Criteria:
Vocal Skill-Pitch, Pattern-objective, Keyality-tonal center, Tone/Diction
Rhythm Skill-Steady beat, Pattern-objective, Phasing: rush/drag, Hand/body position
Citizenship (these address state standards): Cooperation/Leadership, Cultures, Historic Context
Literacy (reported 3+): Form/Symbols, Notation: Rhythm/Pitch, Improvisation
Shenanigans CD (Australia)

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